To introduce ourselves, let us begin by sharing a short passage from the “Stellar Nations – Soul Families, The Cosmic History Chronicles of the Milky Way Galaxy”: “… two individual spiritual beings, taken from the very same substance and orb of light, will always experience the same situation differently, but always from two complementary views, complementary aspects, through complementary reactions… They are different, they are opposite and they carry different experiences and memories back home to the Source, in a way that in the meantime they stay in harmony with each other, through the joy of completion, the light-bliss of fulfillment…. the perfectly complementary but still opposite principles can ascend and enrich each other and they can make each other complete.” I work as an elementary school teacher. The teaching code is rooted very deeply in me, in which I represent the Masculine line of the Stellar Nation of the Serpents. As the healing and the purification of my own self revealed the inner world of my soul more and more deeply, I could feel that something was still missing from me. Then I received a great help for my pathway as a teacher and a star-coordinator. The pure-hearted messenger of the Stellar Nation of the Bears: a “bear” dog called Rossy. He was born in the new time cycle on 01.01.2008 and while I wanted to teach him, he keeps on teaching me with his unconditional love, so that I may be able to teach from my heart, with love, in the everyday life, too. It is a great honor and at the same time a responsibility for me, that the Galactic Delegation of the Stellar Nations has opened the pathway of my mission as a star-coordinator and commissioned me with the therapeutic transmission of the teachings of the Stellar Nations, in the service of the Universal Light. In addition to the therapeutic treatment, I usually recommend Energy products if necessary. I’m looking forward to seeing you! On the stage of the play called Life I had worked in the media for 20 years, out of which I had spent 15 years at the daily sports newspaper of a media empire. In the meantime I have continuously searched the invisible and tried to find out what my purpose is in the world. I reckoned that if I was familiar with the past, then I would know where I was heading, but despite my degree in history and profession as a teacher, I have not become wiser only more educated … Thanks to the Celestial guidance I have become able to hear the calling of our Temple of Light lead by Beatrix and Anikó, where my heart and soul found home. Out of my free will, I decided to give up my previous life and throw away the multinational “security”; and following the codes of my destiny, I have entrusted myself upon the Celestial guidance. It was a good decision. Since then, I have been getting closer to myself day by day. So now I know that on the level of the spirit I had chosen the Cosmic Human’s pathway of experiencing, so as an “old soul” I can say that I have been just about everything. My present life has been invoked by the dream of a Unicorn and among the codes of my soul, the codes of the Pegasus prevail, but also the Bear-Code, meaning the Pathway of Christ is present, as well as the healing and joy-bringing love-codes of the Dolphins. On the physical level, the former dragon warrior has put the sword away – it is only used for the protection of the Goddess and our Temple of Light, if necessary. Instead of that, a great Bear-hug awaits all the souls who come to us with a pure intention. I perform my retuning work and service in the strong bonds of our Temple of Light, to which I have been initiated and entitled by completing the course of the “13 Pathways of Astro-Cosmogenesis”. If you feel that I am the one who could help, don’t hesitate to contact me! “Give me a pure heart that I may see Thee. A humble heart that I may hear Thee, A heart of love that I may serve Thee, A heart of faith that I may abide in Thee” I tried to understand the visible, measurable, describable and expressible part of the world as an engineer, engineer-economist. This did not supply me with sufficient knowledge for learning about the laws of life and understanding the difficulties of my fate, so I searched the reality beyond the facts and events, the invisible forces and laws beyond the visible world. That is how I began my journey towards the unknown, to meet the depths of the spirit, the laws of the universe. My pathway was accompanied by lots of questions, searching and skepticism, until I began to hear the voice of my soul. My losses and pains kept on intensifying this voice, while they taught me about humility, unconditional love and the miracle of life. I came to understand the celestial law that nothing that happens to you, in you or around you is a mere coincidence, but it is always the result of your steps and thoughts. Thus if you have to confront an event of unrighteousness, suffering or death, and you do not understand why, you can be sure that this was not blind chance that caused it. Moving further on leads you through the gate of redemption and the sufferings can be released! This soul-retuning therapy can provide great help for everyone to understand the events of their life and arrive into Themselves through similar recognitions. … I look forward to seeing you! I had spent the first half of my life in the illusion of being far from the Love of the Divine Source of Creation. As the healing of my own self advanced, my life opened up more and more and it has become more and more colorful and free. It fills me with infinite joy to participate in the Miracle, to be able to transmit this inestimable retuning mystery. Since I’m living in a whale-body in this world of distorted beauty-ideal, I have had a lot of problems with the acceptance of this beautiful body. In my soul, there is a snow-white pegasus roaring more and more freely and there are dolphins playing around, tumbling. And deep inside there is an angel concealed. I’m very happy for being able to help my fellow humans to discover the wonderful stellar beings in their body and soul, so that they may live with the courage, freedom and creative power of the Cosmic Human, with the happiness of the Inner Child that lives inside of us, who knows that s/he has never been separated from the Divine Source of Creation, the Love of God and the Goddess. Someone told me once that the things we collect in our heart and into our soul will not be lost even when we step into the Heavenly realms. These treasures of our soul and our heart will remain with us. I feel endless gratitude and love for being a member of this spiritual community and group of star-coordinators. I owe those true treasures to this pathway, which I have gathered into my heart and which I have become able to recognize. I look forward to meeting you if you feel like I’m the one who could help You. Having travelled numerous tracks on the spirit-level Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans, I have deep experiences on the destiny-pathways of the Dragons, Winged Lions, Female Serpents and the Angels. A significant task of my Angel soul-particle is the healing of the Pegasus souls related to the trauma of Mirach. The major direction in my soul-retuning work in the Lemurian Mysteries and the Astro-Cosmogenesis is the attuning to the Akashic Records, the unraveling and returning of the cosmic roots, which is guided by my angel soul-particle that belongs to Orion. My work is strongly attached to the mystery of birth and my Lemurian initiation is connected to that, too. Certain karmic relationship problems and distresses can be revealed during the attuning, for the treatment and acceptance of which it is possible to prepare during pregnancy, too. On the physical level, this is completed by an energetic massage, which prepares both the mother and the baby for the birth process. After the process of birth, there is a possibility for clarifying and solving the causes of the emerging behavior problems for both the mother and the child. I also deal with the unraveling the karmic causes of infertility and preparing the physical body for conceiving the child. As a therapist, I work with the Lemurian Mysteries and the soul-retuning method of the Astro-Cosmogenesis, which have become known for many people now. My initiations in the Female Serpent line have prepared me for unraveling the causes of emotional wounds and for the retuning of the emotional body. Another major focus in my work is the launching of the individual processes of creation with the help of my Unicorn soul-part. One of its conditions is the recognition of the nature of the cycles of repentance. I do soul-analysis through the way of attuning, which includes all the questionable areas of life, with respect to the mystery of choice. Now I know that the Stellar Nations of the Pegasus, the Unicorns, the Bears and the Female Serpents have been helping me in this for years, so that I may teach this to the souls who turn to me by being permeated with the love of a Priestess. In my work, I also do the emotional stress release of Kinesiology, the dissolution of the energy blocks of the meridian systems. Finding the real reasons and answers is strongly connected to the therapy, so that the soul may take control over his or her life by becoming conscious in a way, and that s/he may become able to fulfill his or her tasks. It is an essential step towards recovering from panic disorders, depression and the different emotional problems. I’m looking forward to meeting all the souls who feel like They would like to take control over and create their life and find their highest level destiny-path. Appointments can be booked through e-mail: As you can see from the picture, in our present life we live in a mother-daughter relationship with each other. Our work has a pathway together, which we have been working on together for many years. In certain cases we do retunings together, too, in which our energies add up and complement each other. I recommend You this therapy with love, in which we can find the pathway leading to the Eternal Light and Love with the stellar rays of the 13 Stellar nations, in an Angelic embrace. It is an honor for me that the Celestials have chosen me for the earthly service of this retuning method, which I pass on with all the love of my heart, to the souls who wish to be retuned. I also offer my Female Serpent being’s touch to all those who would like a Thai Massage and reflexology treatment. Let’s connect from heart to heart! As a member of the Stellar Nation of the Cosmic Humans, I have always admired and longed to travel all the pathways of creation. In this present life, it has always been clear to me that I wanted to work as a healer. In my profession as a doctor, I often felt that something was still missing. I was looking for my way. I learned homeopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, too. By the Celestials’ mercy I could finally meet the wonderful teaching of the Stellar Nations and I have received the initiations for this special soul-retuning method. In this present period of my life I am going through and learning the mystery of changes, losses, letting go and starting again. In my pathway as a star-coordinator, I’m supported by my Bear codes – such as forgiving, mercy and experiencing faith -, the rays of the Feminine and Masculine lines of the Stellar Nation of the Serpents, the vital joy and love of the Dolphins, the power of the Stellar Nation of the Dragons and last but not least, I am connected to Niomé with deep respect and love. I have always considered the diversity that resides in us very exciting and to observe how the endless and beautiful combinations of the Stellar Nations’ colors of the spirit, soul and the body create life and manifest in our human being. The calling signal between the star-coordinator and the one who needs to be retuned is never a mere coincidence, as these codes, which are contained in us like treasures will be different color and energy bridges between Heaven and Earth. My “bridges” are most often permeated by the connection with the realm of the Goddess – being the protector and warrior of this world first and then its priestess. In my Angel codes I have recognized myself as a representative of the beautiful stellar ray of Bellatrix and in my everyday life I try to experience my Pegasus soul codes too, happily and proudly, on the highest vibration level. Of course, I do not intend to introduce myself “cell by cell” here, but I can mainly help you in the areas that correspond to my codes – such as the recognition of mirror situations, the acceptance, use and balancing of the inner power, certain relationship matters, the relationship with the body, situations of taking responsibility and revealing the deepest roots of all these according to the teachings of the Stellar Nations -, as this wonderful Mystery can bring the possibility of the final Redemption to all the honest and humble Hearts. In my work as a star-coordinator, I have been searching for the spiritual causes of the diseases for years. I have helped many people who came to my sessions in recognizing the roots of their problems through Kinesiology. I also use the AFT (Attractor Field Therapy) to eliminate the self-destructive and self-limiting belief systems. As a fulfillment of this therapeutic work, it was a wonderful experience for me to meet the teaching of the Stellar Nations and the powerful retuning method that is based on that. This mystery enables the past to be solved in a previously unattainable depth, the people to recognize themselves and be retuned by that on the level of the body, the soul and the spirit. If necessary, I also recommend some remedy from among the bio-informational Energy products.
Kinga Cziurkiewicz
Ildikó Csala
Katalin Hirt
Erzsébet Hóz
Éva Simcsik
Maya Kollár
Thus the pathway of the dolphins, with the joy they feel during their play resides in me. My destiny also includes the pathway of the birds, the relationship of the fairies and the elves with Mother Earth. Also the painful recognitions of the Pegasus beings and the Angels, the Female Serpents’ beautiful realm of the Goddess, the freedom of the Great Felines and the pathway of a beautiful, shining Unicorn, who is on the right track in her awakening. Due to all the codes that reside in me, I’m happy to welcome all the souls who wish to be retuned and turn to me with questions concerning their relationship or mothership. I’m good at helping the people who struggle with the acceptance of their own body or maybe they can’t find the connection with their own body. And my deepest Dolphin-codes can help the souls who need to go through a deep letting go or suffer of depression.
And since our group is very deeply permeated by the energies of Christ, I have grown a Bear-heart in the meantime, too.
Márta, Mrs. Dr. Mátyás Gyenge
Szilvia Werli
Mariann Pincés
Anita Rózsa
Emese Szabados
Judit Trajbiár